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Kimberley Governing Body

The Governing Body comprises of up to 8 community members appointed by the directors, up to 4 parent governors elected by parents, up to 2 staff governors elected by the staff and 1 ex-officio headteacher 


The Governors has 3 key strategic functions:

  • Ensuring the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and it's pupils, and the performance management of staff

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure it's money is well spent


The Board is not responsible for the day to day operation of the school – this is a matter for the headteacher who is accountable to the Governing Body.

Kimberley School is a member of the East Midlands Education Trust.  The Scheme of Delegation and the Supplementary Funding Agreement is published here.

​Governor Membership

Community Governors

Nicole Clarke (Chair)

Linda Braithwaite (Vice-Chair)

David Tantum

Donna Marriott

Parent Governors

Keiron Turner

Kerry Hallam-Foster (Safeguarding)

Ruth Dodds

James Byron

Staff Governors

Oliver Tuck (Teaching)

Karl Glendenning (Teaching)


Minute Taker

Jane Mainprize         

You can contact the Chair of Governors by writing to The Clerk to The Governors at the school address.

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