From year 7 we explore self-esteem, drugs and alcohol awareness, multiculturalism and friendship. Year 8 progress to subjects such as cyber bullying, positive body image, careers/aspirations and homophobia. In year 9 we look at grief, social media/online stress, money management, sex education terrorism and first aid. click on KS3 for more details.
Year 10 includes topics such as screen time, marriage, consumer rights, domestic violence, gambling, human rights, fair trade and women's rights.
Year 11 focuses on planning for employment, career routes, exam stress, pregnancy and parenthood and larger health related issues. click on KS4 for more details.
The tutorial programme aims to help students to prepare for a healthy life as an adult in a democratic society, as well as helping to prepare them for their more specific futures. The themes of Kindness, Positivity, Flexibility and Aspiration underpin everything we do with our sixth form students.
Personal Development education gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare themselves for life and work in modern Britain. Personal Development education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life.
Personal Development includes a number of topics which are now compulsory for learners. Further details of Kimberley Schools policy on relationship and sex education a can be found here:
Any questions or queries regarding Personal Development can be directed to our Subject Performance Leader for Personal Development Mrs L. Machin email