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Welcome to Kimberley School


Thank you for taking your time to find out about Kimberley School.  I am tremendously proud to be the Headteacher of our exciting and high attaining school.


At Kimberley we get the balance right between outstanding exam results and wider personal development.  Our superb performance in exam league tables is balanced with a vast range of exciting opportunities that aim to develop the whole child.  This is what makes Kimberley unique.


We continually strive for outstanding behaviour at Kimberley.  Our behaviour management policy is very clear on our expectations of all of our students and sets out what will happen when these are not met.  All pupils are entitled to know that their work and learning will not be disrupted.  We also recognise and celebrate hard work and good attitudes through a comprehensive reward system, achievement assemblies and awards evenings.


We work closely with all of our partner Primary Partner schools to enable us to build on the achievements of everybody at Key Stage 2.  A successful partnership with parents and carers is crucial to our work and a fundamental part of the success of Kimberley.

We run a comprehensive programme of enrichment opportunities for all students including in sport, music, drama, leadership and the arts.  This is enhanced by a comprehensive Duke of Edinburgh programme. There are also several opportunities throughout the year for students to take part in trips and international residentials.


The Kimberley School is a great place to grow up and learn. Please do take the time to explore our website and to find out more about our great school.

Andy Park

Head Teacher

Students in a PE lesson having fun
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