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Term Dates

Key Dates   


15th  -  A-Level Results Day

22nd  -  GCSE Results

26th   -  Bank Holiday


2nd  -  INSET Day

3rd   -  INSET Day

4th  -  School re-opens for Years 7, 11 & 12 (Y12 from 12.30pm)

5th  -  School re-opens for Years 8, 9, 10 & 13

11th - Year 11 Accelerating Progress

12th - Year 12 Information Evening

17th -  Year 8-10 Science Museum Trip

19th Year 5&6 Open Evening

26/27th - Y5&6 Open Morning


2nd - Sixth Form Open Evening

9th - Year 7 Tutor Parents Evening (in person, 4-7pm)

17th - Year 11 Parents Consultation 1 (online)

21st  -  Half Term Break (until & including 1st November)


19th - Year 12/13 Consultation Evening

20th - DofE Awards Evening

25th-29th - Year 9 Exam Week


2nd - Christmas Concert

19th - Year 13 Celebration Evening

20th  -  School Closes at 12:30pm for Holidays

January 2025

6th  -  School Reopens

15th - Year 9 Parents Consultation (online)

18th-21st - Nuremburg Trip

22nd -  V&A Museum Trip

29th -  Year 11 Parents Consultation 2


10th-14th - Year 12/13 mock Exams

13th - Year 9 Options Evening

17th  -  Half Term Break (until 21st)


7th  -  Easter Holidays (until 21st)

24th-30th - Sixth Form New York Trip


11th - Careers Fair

13th - Year 12/23 Parents Consultation 2 (Online)

17th-21st- Year 7 Exam Week

19th - Year 8 Parents Consultation (Boot)

24th - Year 11 English / Maths Mock Exam


1st - Year 10 Parents Consultation (online)

5th - Bank Holiday

14th - Year 7 Parents Consultation (Boot & Clough)

20th - Year 7 Parents Consultation (Lawrence)

26th - Half Term Break (until 30th)


2nd-13th - Year 7 to 10 Literacy Tests

26th - Year 11 Prom

23rd-27th - Year 12 Mock Exams

26th-3rd - Year 10 Exams



4th - INSET Day 3

5th-12th - Italy Water sports Trip

7th - Year 10 Geography Field Trip

8th - 15th - Munich Trip

14th-18th - French Trip

14th-18th - Year Groups Reward Trips

21st - End of Year Awards Ceremony

28th  -  INSET Day 4

29th  -  INSET Day 5

30th  -  Summer Holidays begin


2023-2024 TKSCalendar.jpg
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