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Image by Alexis Brown

Our Curriculum

Kimberley School Curriculum Statement


Our main aim is to enable every child to achieve or surpass their academic and social potential. We aim for a high quality of education for all students; underpinned by a strong programme of pastoral support, personal development and enrichment opportunities. We achieve this by working in partnership with the whole community and focusing relentlessly on our eight strategic priorities:

The first of these strategic priorities is to “design a broad curriculum which gives all students access to the knowledge and skills that they need to take advantage of the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life”. The aims, principles and intent of our curriculum are set out below and underpin the work of leaders and teachers across the school in designing our curriculum.

Subjects by Key Stage

To create:

  • Successful, independent and resilient learners who enjoy learning; make good progress and achieve or surpass their potential.

  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.

  • Responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to society.

  • Globally aware young people who will be able to thrive in the 21st century world


To have a curriculum which:

  • Creates an aspirational high achievement culture

  • Allows everyone to experience success by offering a wide choice of academically rigorous courses

  • Interests and excites students as well as prepare them for success in adult life and in national examinations

  • Addresses disadvantage through closing the knowledge and vocabulary gap

  • Ensures all learners are prepared for their next stage of education, training or work

Curriculum Overview:

Students in Years 7 to 9 (Key Stage 3) follow the full range of National Curriculum subjects (English, Maths Science, Design Technology, Geography, History, Religious Education, Modern Foreign Languages, Physical Education, Art, Drama and Music) as well as PSHCE through the tutorial programme and personal development activities. The school is committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum that aims to provide students with the skills they need as learners and to prepare them for GCSE courses. This is supported by a focus on creating an excellent learning experience for all students with a range of learning activities that engage and enthuse.

During Year 9, students choose the option subjects they wish to take at GCSE in Year 10 & 11 (Key Stage 4). Most Year 10 & 11 courses are full GCSE courses. OCR Cambridge National Level 2 qualifications in Health & Social Care, iMedia and Information Technologies are also offered – these qualifications are equivalent to GCSEs and nationally recognised. Students are able to study the full suite of ‘English Baccalaureate’ subjects if they choose to do so. Students also follow a PSHCE tutorial programme and personal development activities.

Post-16, we offer a wide range of A Level subjects as well as Level 3 Cambridge Technical qualifications in ICT, Business and Health & Social Care.  These are enhanced by an enrichment programme that runs for Year 12 students which offers them the opportunity to learn new skills and prepare them for life as an independent adult. Students aiming for university and apprenticeship courses are very well supported in the application processes.

You can read the full curriculum statement here.  If you would like to find out more about the schools' curriculum then please email

Key Stage 3


(ages 11-14)

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