Values & Ethos
The Kimberley Way
Here at The Kimberley School, we believe it is the right of every student to be able to do their best and nobody has the right to interfere with their learning. This is why there is a calm, work focused atmosphere around the school. Learning is at the very core of what we do and we want all students to enjoy it. The Student Council created The Kimberley Way which sets out the role that we expect all students to play in creating an atmosphere where everyone can be safe, happy and successful at the Kimberley School.
Strategic Priorities 2019-2023
Our main aim is to enable every child to achieve or surpass their academic and social potential. We aim for a high quality of education for all students; underpinned by a strong programme of pastoral support, personal development and enrichment opportunities. We achieve this by working in partnership with the whole community and focusing relentlessly on these strategic priorities:
To maintain a strong culture of safeguarding children and good attendance by continuing to ensure that arrangements are effective and are in line with statutory requirements
To continue to evaluate and refine a broad curriculum which gives all students access to the knowledge and skills that they need to take advantage of the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
To ensure that all teaching and assessment is highly effective in enabling all students to embed and use knowledge fluently.
To ensure that all students make rapid and sustained academic progress throughout year groups and across all subjects
To sustain consistent high standards of behaviour and attitudes across all aspects of school life that creates a very positive climate for learning
To continue to enable students eligible for Pupil Premium and other vulnerable groups to achieve, attend and behave in line with the rest of the school.
To further develop skilled strategic leadership and management across the school so that the education that the school provides has a positive impact on all students
To further extend the curriculum so that it provides for pupils’ broader personal development
The Kimberley School will:
Ensure that all students receive the care, guidance and support that they need to succeed
Take every possible step to ensure that all children are safe from abuse, neglect or from being drawn into terrorism
Continue to expect high standards of behaviour and attitude from all of our students
Design a curriculum that meets the needs and aspirations of individuals, not league tables
Focus on depth and enjoyment of learning, not just on exam preparation
Foster an ethos of enjoyment, respect and success
Listen to parents and carers and use their feedback to further improve our work
Provide the best possible education for pupils of different abilities
Provide a rich menu of opportunities for students to pursue non-academic talents such as Music, Sport, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award
Sustain and develop positive relationships with our local community and prioritise school places for them
Recruit and retain talented and committed staff who are committed to taking every possible step to enable our students to be successful
Promote British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Draw on the expertise and experience of schools within the East Midlands Education Trust to ensure the very best provision and outcomes for all students
Work in partnership with our family of schools to sustain outstanding transition arrangements into Year 7