Parent Guide
I am delighted that you have chosen us for your child’s secondary education. I am looking forward to working in partnership with you during the next seven years to ensure that your child achieves or surpasses their academic and social potential.
I am proud to be the Head Teacher of the Kimberley School and my aim is to ensure students enjoy school, feel safe, achieve outstanding academic exam results, and have access to a vast range of exciting opportunities outside of the classroom that help prepare them for a
successful adult life.
I fully understand the anxieties that parents can experience during transition from Year 6 and you
should be reassured that our priority is to work with you and your child to ensure that they have the best possible start to life at Kimberley. Our track record of successful transition is outstanding. This booklet will tell you more about the school and help you prepare for September, however, if you do have any questions at all then please don’t hesitate to contact the school and we will be happy to help.
Head Teacher
Andy Park

I am responsible for the pastoral care and safeguarding of all students at The Kimberley School. Through a team of Year Performance Leaders, Assistant Year Performance Leaders and the Student Support Team, we make sure that students attend, are punctual, wear the correct uniform and behave well. We encourage the highest of standards so everyone can learn effectively. Our aim is to ensure that every child in our care achieves their full potential.
Mr Knapczyk
- Deputy Head

Ms Eatherington
- Assistant Head
With responsibility for behaviour and personal development, I also oversee the pastoral care of our students through leading the Year Performance Leaders and working with Mr Knapczyk to ensure the safeguarding of all of our students. I will also ensure that we are embedding The Kimberley Way so all students are able to demonstrate and experience respect, pride and success.

Mrs Lawrence
I am the school SENCO and organise support for students with additional needs from our base in the Learning Support department. If your child need a key worker to support them, our wonderful TAs will be able to work with them on strategies to help their learning and ensure that they can be included in all aspects of school life and enjoy your learning experience with us. We are looking forward to meeting the future year 6s and working with you in September.
Payments to School
We operate a cashless system (ParentPay) in our dining room. Students will be issued a cashless catering card and credit can be
added to a student’s account via a secure internet payment. This system offers a secure way to pay so that students don’t have to carry cash around.
The same internet payment system can be used to pay for trips, extra-curricular activities and music tuition. You are also able to
use the system to purchase revision guides, school badges and ties.
Induction day only:
Prior to the Induction Day you will receive an email to activate an
account with ParentPay. Please add platform@parentpay.com to
your safe senders list to ensure the email does not go to your
spam/junk folder. Please top up your child’s account with funds
in advance to enable them to purchase their school meals during
the Induction Days. ‘Meal deals’ start at £1.90 up to £3.00. We
also serve menu options before school and at break time*.
All students must remain on the school premises during the lunch period and purchase a school lunch or bring their own sandwiches from home.
If your child would like to purchase a meal but has a specific medical or dietary need, please contact us to request a form and we will contact you to discuss their requirements further. Please note that this provision is for medical/religious needs only, (ie not for personal preference).
Our main canteen sells a variety of hot snacks and meals and our diner sells cold snacks. Drinks, muffins, cakes, cookies and flapjacks are available from all counters.
Students are encouraged to walk or cycle to school where possible. We provide an area where students can leave their bikes if they wish to cycle to school, however, students must wear a cycle helmet and may require a bike lock for safety.
For students who are not within walking distance, they may choose to set the school bus. There are two services:
the 645 Mornington bus and the 649 Awsworth bus. All information and timetables for these services can be found on the transport page.
Students must have cash - ideally the correct fare - the charges are £2.00 per single journey or £3.00 per return.
The Awsworth service is arranged for by the local authority and you will need to contact them if you have any queries about the provision of this service. The Mornington service is a service that we provide in partnership. If you have any queries about this service please contact us directly. In addition to the two school bus services detailed above there is also the Trent Rainbow One bus service to get to school.
The conditions of travel on this journey are as set out in the leaflet issued with the travel permit by the Local Authority. Passes can be obtained
from Nottinghamshire County Council 08449 808080 – Children and Young People Traffic and Travel.
Financial Support & Free School Meals
If your child is currently entitled to Free School Meals and already attends a primary school in the Nottinghamshire Local Authority that uses the Nottinghamshire County Council eligibility assessment
service you will NOT need to reapply.
If your child attends a primary school outside of the Nottinghamshire Local Authority (eg Derbyshire, Nottingham City etc) then you need to apply via: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/education/schoolmeals/free-school-meals-and-milk
To check that your child’s eligibility can continue. Please do this as soon as possible to ensure that your child will continue to receive free school meals when they join The Kimberley School.
To apply online you will need your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number. If you do not have internet access you can by telephone 0300 500 8080 option 3 and then option 1.
Free school meals are a legal entitlement for all students who attend a school full-time and whose parents or carers receive at least one of the following benefits:
Universal credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earning from up to three of your most recent assessment periods).
Income support
Income-based jobseeker's allowance (ISA)
Income-related Employment and Support
Allowance (ESA)
Support under part vi of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The Guarantee element of Pension Credit
Child tax credit (with no working tax credit) with an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
Working tax credit run-on (paid for the four weeks after the person stops qualifying for working tax credit)
In addition, some pupils may be protected against losing their free school meals. From 1 April 2018, all
existing free school meals claimants will continue to receive free school meals whilst Universal Credit is
rolled out. This will apply even if their earnings rise above the new threshold during that time. Any child
gaining eligibility for free school meals after 1st April 2018 will be protected against loosing free school
meals during the Universal Credit rollout period. Once Universal Credit is fully rolled out, any existing claimants that no longer meet the eligibility requirements at that point (because they are earning above the threshold or are no longer a recipient of UC) will continue to receive free school meals until the
end of their current phase of education (i.e. primary or secondary). The Universal Credit rollout is expected to complete in December 2023.
It is estimated that twenty per cent of children entitled to free school meals do not take them and the reason
mostly given for this is that families feel that there is a some kind of stigma attached. At The Kimberley
School, the process of receiving free school meals is easy and discreet. All students purchase their meals by
using their cashless catering card. Students who are entitled to free school meals will have their account
credited with money provided by the local authority (currently funded at £2.50 per day). When the student
purchases food the till brings up the student’s name and how much is available in their account for that
day but there is no way to distinguish how the money has been added to the account and so the process is
therefore the same for all students.

As well as receiving free meals, students are also entitled to claim free music tuition. As the cost of music tuition increases it is well worth considering using free school meals entitlement to avoid this expense without depriving your child of specialist tuition and enrichment. We also may be able to consider supporting students on free school meals with the costs incurred as part of curriculum based school trips and activities.
Other Advantages to claiming Free School Meals
Helping your Child with their Transition
Some students worry about the move to secondary school. Here are a few tips that might help you reassure your child.
Remind them that there will be many children starting in Year 7 who feel exactly like they do.
Encourage them to think about some of the questions they would like to ask us, or concerns they could share, on the induction days.
Encourage them to attend the Induction days in July where they will meet staff and make new friends.
Plan the route to school in advance with your child, checking bus times and fares.
Encourage them to join any clubs and take part in any activities that are on offer from September.
In September, go through their school routine with them to help them organise and plan their homework as well as make notes for specific lessons such as PE or food technology. Ensure they have their log in for Show my Homework. Their tutor will have this.
Always encourage them to report incidents that are concerning them to their tutor.
Talk to them about their concerns and if you feel we can help, contact us.
Young Carers
If you believe your young person falls into this category, or you would like support or more information, then contact us via email youngcarers@kimberleyschool.co.uk
Key Dates for Transition
11th July
12th July
Induction Day 1
Induction Evening for Parents & Carers
Induction Day 2
TBC Uniform pop up shop for Y6
What will be needed on the first day
A strong and good sized bag for carrying belongings
A pen, pencil, ruler and rubber
Bus fare (if required)
Trainers just in case your child has PE

School Gates Close
Period 1
Period 2
Morning Break
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
End of School
8:45am - 9:00am
9:05am - 10:05am
10:10am - 11:10am
11:10am - 11:25am
11:30am - 12:30pm
12:30pm - 1:10pm
1:10pm - 2:10pm
2:15pm - 3:15pm
Basic School Equipment
Rough book/jotter
Pens (blue/black ink)
Pencils/coloured pencils
Pencil Sharpener
Scientific calculator
Please refer to the uniform page for a breakdown of acceptable general school wear. Schoolwear pop-up shop appointments for the 12th & 15th July can be made here.
Indoor Activities
Blue/black polo shirt with school logo.
Plain black school shorts/black tracksuit bottoms/black
Appropriate footwear (sports trainers).
Outdoor Activities
As above plus shin pads for football.
Gum-shield for rugby.
Plain black tracksuit trousers or leggings.
Plain black base layer/ School branded jumper only (sourced by the PE dept) for outside games only.
PE uniform will be available to order from us on the uniform
sales days which we will notify parents of closer to the time.
For more information on purchasing uniform contact the
school on 0115 938 7000 or go to the uniform page.
PE Kit

School Day & Kit
In Years 7 to 11, students are awarded IMPACT points for outstanding work, homework, effort, citizenship, literacy, contribution and extra-curricular participation. These points are entered electronically and tutors can see daily how many IMPACT points have been accrued by the students. Every term, each year group has a special achievement assembly in which the top 100 students are recognised for their achievements. To identify the top 100 performers in the year group, we take into consideration the following: number of IMPACT points, attendance, punctuality, behaviour, along with effort and performance scores in all lessons. This system rewards all students who try their very best, regardless of their ability level. The assembly also celebrates students who have been nominated by faculties for outstanding work, attitude and effort that term.
Cyber Safety

Mobile Phones
Mobile phones and other such electronic devices are not to be seen or used in school.
If they are seen by staff they will be confiscated and the child’s parent/carer may be required to come into school and collect them.
The Kimberley School acknowledges that safety online and on mobile phones is a growing problem for young people and affects every one of them. The issues they face change with their age too. For the younger students, they need to understand the basics of protecting their privacy and protect themselves from potential grooming and bullying. The school has an anonymous reporting system called SHARP where issues can be reported.
Sanctions & Policies
For up-to-date information on sanctions please view our behaviour policy. All other policies relating to school operations, students and exam can be found on the policies page.
Illness in School
Students who become ill will be sent to Student Support and if appropriate, parents/carers will be notified if student support staff feel that the student is too ill remain in school.
Students should not be using their mobile phone to contact home to be collected. Parents/Carers should only come to collect students when you have spoken to a member of the Support Team.
School Attendance
The school must be informed of the reason for a child’s absence on the first day of that absence by contacting the student support team. If a student is marked absent for registration and the absence has not been authorised by the parent/carer then a text message is sent out to parents/carers after Period 1. Parents/carers should then text back or call the school if there are any concerns or to authorise the absence. This method is also used to notify parents/carers of any important events, such as school closures.
Unacceptable Reasons for Absence
Annual holidays
Extended trips to visit family members living overseas during term time
Minding the house
To do homework
To help with the family business or work
School uniform is in the wash
The Local Education Authority works with the school to reduce the number of children absent due to holidays taken in term time. The Kimberley School will refuse your request to take your child out and not authorise any absences taken during term time. If your child has more than 3 days unauthorised absence within a 6 week period, The Kimberley School will refer parents to the local authority where they will consider your request. This could result in a fine being imposed, set at £60 per child, which must be paid within 21 days. Failure to pay this penalty within the set time period will result in an increase of the penalty to £120, which
must be paid within 28 days.

How to Contact School / Reporting an Absence
There are two ways to contact school:
1) Telephone us on 0115 9387000 and our reception staff will be happy to help you.
2) Email us at office@kimberleyschool.co.uk and this will be forwarded on to the most relevant member of staff.
How should parents/carers report an absence?
1.1. Parents/carers should contact the school before 8:45am on each day of absence and set out a valid reason for the absence.
1.2. Parents/carers should do this by dialling 0115 9387000 and selecting option 1.
1.3. Parents/carers should not use SchoolComms, the Gateway app or email to report an absence
1.4. If parents/carers do not report an absence then the school will send a text message on each day of absence, asking parents/carers to contact us. If we do not hear back from parents, then the absence will be unauthorised. A home visit will be conducted after 3 days of unauthorised absence.
1.5. All unreported absences will be unauthorised and a referral for a penalty notice may be made to the Local Authority.
Lateness – please can times be amended – Gates locked at 8:40am. Tutor/Registration starts at 8:45am.
Please note: It is very difficult for staff to see people without an appointment, but we will endeavour to contact you by the end of the school day.
As well as preparing our students academically, we prepare them for their future and punctuality is integral to any employment success. Most of our students arrive on time but unfortunately a small number persist in being late; because of this we operate a late gate system. The gates to school will be locked at 8.45am,
with students making their way to their tutor room by 8.50am. If late students must make their way to the ‘Late Gate’ near the Leisure Centre. Duty staff will record the names of those who arrive late. The school operates a sanction system to tackle persistent lateness, the length of the detention increases depending on the number of days the student has been late that week. If the behaviour is not modified further sanctions will be included e.g. PEU. We hope you will continue to support us in aiming to get all students to school before 8.45am at which the first bell signals students to make their way to their respective tutor rooms.
Medical Appointments
All students arriving after morning registration or leaving before the official end of the day must sign in and out at Student Support. Please try to avoid making routine appointments during the school day; however, if this is not possible please send them with a letter or appointment card to their year team.
Extra-Curricular Activities and Clubs
The school runs an extensive range of lunchtime and after school sports activities. These are available to all and may include:
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Drama & LAMDA Club
Tech Club
School Show after-school rehearsals
Dungeons & Dragons Club
Knitting Club
In addition to the above we have annual sports day. We also enter many sports teams into district and county competitions and are proud of the amount of students involved as well as our levels of success.
Learning Resource Centre (The LRC)
Research shows that young people who read regularly for pleasure do better in every aspect of their education than those who don’t. The LRC provides quality resources to support both reading for pleasure and the school curriculum, including books, newspapers and magazines, careers information, audio books, and Internet access.
To encourage students to read more, all Year 7 students are enrolled on the Accelerated Reader programme as part of their English lessons, taking an online quiz after each book they read. In order for students to make good progress, the expectation is that they read for 20 minutes a day in their own time. There are opportunities for students to develop research skills during lessons held in the LRC from different curriculum areas.
The LRC is open until 4pm (Mon – Thurs) and 3.30pm on Fridays. We are aiming to have the LRC open again at lunch times where students can , students can choose to read, do homework, use computers or watch a film every day except Tuesday when the LRC is closed.

In the Music Department we have a variety of opportunities for students to make music and perform, no matter what their musical interest, ability or instrument. We offer various weekly lunchtime clubs including a choir, samba group, keyboard group, guitar group and woodwind group. We also run a singer-songwriting programme, in which students have the opportunity to create their own original music and record in a professional studio. We provide many opportunities for students to perform throughout the year, including Lunchtime Concerts, performances with feeder schools, and our annual Christmas and Summer Concerts. There are also instrumental lessons available in school, and we offer tuition on drums, piano/keyboard, voice,
guitar/ukulele, woodwind and brass (instrument hire available).