16-19 Tuition Funding Statement 2021-2022
What is the 16-19 Tuition Fund?
The 16 to 19 tuition fund is one-off funding for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. It is ring-fenced funding for schools, colleges and other 16 to 19 providers to mitigate the disruption to learning arising from coronavirus (COVID-19). The funding is being provided to support small-group tuition for 16 to 19 students. Although the actual tuition does not need to be for GCSE English or maths, the students supported all need to be those who had not achieved grade 4 or above in at least one of those subjects at this level by age 16. All supported students must be on a 16 to 19 study programme.
How will The Kimberley School use the 16-19 Tuition Fund?
Individual or small-group support sessions of no more than 5 students will be set up for English, maths, vocational courses and / or other subjects and learning. There will be subject specific tuition run by specialist tutors. These sessions will be in addition to the students’ normal timetable. The support will be agreed between the student and staff and tailored as far as possible to the individual needs of the student.
Support sessions will be prioritised for the following students who meet the criteria:
Students who have not achieved grade 4 or below in maths and/or English at GCSE
Students that will benefit most from small group tuition, based on the criteria above
Ensure the needs of SEND students, particularly where they have experienced additional disruption to learning as a result of their specific needs and disabilities, are taken into account.
Our Commitment:
We are committed to ensuring the tuition fund is used in accordance with the Government guidance.
We will:
record the use of the funding, including reference to the individual students that receive the support, the needs of those students, the number of hours of tuition delivered, and retain the necessary evidence of the tuition provided
deliver the extra tuition and spend the associated funding in the 2021 to 2022 academic year
notify ESFA of any unspent funding from this fund for it to be reclaimed
Full Guidance can be found on the Gov.uk website or click here